The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Firewise USA® Program is a nationally recognized program promoting and encouraging residents to learn about wildfire and how they can make their homes and communities safer. For more information on the national program and to take action in your community click here. NFPA - Firewise USA®
The Carson City Fire Department in partnership with the Nevada Division of Forestry is working with the communities to establish recognized Firewise Communities that reside in the wildland/urban interface. Current Firewise Communities in the Carson City: Kings Canyon Meadows Homeowners Association and Lakeview Property Owners Association.

Once a community obtains national program recognition the Wildland Fuels Division support efforts to obtain funding to support defense zone fuel mitigation projects and opens the Fuels Collection-Trailer/Dumpster Program (normally only offered to residents residing in or adjacent the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)) to all residents living with the Firewise community.

To request Carson City Fire Department Prevention Personnel at your next community event call at 775-887-2210.